Tag: Kibana

Elasticsearch and Kibana Search Speed Tuning

Elasticsearch - Logstash - Kibana

This blog post provides some tips for Elasticsearch and Kibana Search Speed Tuning, apart from those recommended by Elasticsearch official website [1]: giving enough memory to the filesystem cache using faster hardware searching as few fields as possible pre-indexing data avoiding scripts considering mapping identifiers as keywords etc. I recently installed the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, …

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GIS Map in Elasticsearch with Kibana using Vega, Scripted Fields & Painless

Vega graph

Elasticsearch is a distributed open source, RESTful search engine built on top of Apache Lucene and released under an Apache license. Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. Vega (and Vega-lite) allows to beyond the built-in visualizations offered by Kibana. In this short tutorial we will use Vega to create a GIS …

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